Half way through Lent! I didn’t really realize how difficult it would be to do a poem a day for 40 days. Hence the resorting to Haiku now and then. : ) I saw the most amazing sunsets yesterday and today. And the stars! Incredible.
Teach me Your story
so I might know mine
so I can know others
so I’ll worship
God of all
Ruler, Creator
beginning and end
of all that is known
and what lies beyond
of all
a universe in
ever expanding wonder
body, brain, and soul
intricate workings
a marvelous mystery
End of all too
all roads, all lives
return back to You
in time
Lord, You
make and unmake
now remake me new
know me
name me
and love me too
when I circle back
iron drawn to Your magnet
a needle pulled ever
to Your north